Asiaq and Visit Greenland, together with other Nordic partners, have produced a film about traveling safely in the Greenlandic nature. The film gives advice in relation to avoiding avalanches, tsunamis from calving glaciers, rockfalls, changeable weather conditions and promotes the responsible use of open fires in nature. The film is aimed at tourists, who often have limited knowledge of the Greenlandic nature, but it can be used by everyone.
“Asiaq operates several weather stations which measure the current weather conditions in various places in the country. The real time weather measurements can be found on our website (Vejr.asiaq.gl). We know that many locals use the website daily, which we are very happy about”, says the director of Asiaq, Mette Skarregaard Pedersen.
- “Now, together with Visit Greenland, we are reaching out to tourists and other visitors, so that they also get a better knowledge of where they can find information about the weather and what else they should be aware of in nature”.
The purpose of the video is to encourage tourists to prepare a little more before venturing out into the Greenlandic nature, so that they avoid getting into difficulties.
- “In Visit Greenland, we have a clear mission to promote Greenland as an adventure destination with a focus on quality, safety, and sustainability. Our primary goal is to ensure that our visitors have unforgettable adventures and memories while returning home safely. This joint project is an important step towards establishing clear expectations with our tourists, which is crucial for ensuring a positive and responsible travel experience,” says Director of Visit Greenland, Anne Nivika Grødem.
- “At Asiaq, we are experts in collecting data and advising on the physical environment in Greenland. We do not just collect data, but rather with the purpose of meaningful applications in society. This is always our focus, and that is why we at Asiaq are delighted with the small film, which focuses on an important subject in a detailed yet easy-to-understand manner”, concludes the director.
The film’s target audience is primarily tourists, but the film can also be used in schools or in other educational contexts.
Asiaq’s weather measurements can be found here: vejr.asiaq.gl
The 8-minute animation film and can be viewed here:
The educational film is produced in collaboration between:

The project has received funding from: