Surveys for harbor construction and expansion; assessment of sailing conditions; mapping of currents; assessment on the placement of waste water outlets; input to environmental assessments.
Sea ice, tides and currents
Asiaq has a broad knowledge base about ice conditions in Greenlandic fiords, and experience with the measurement and analysis of tides and currents in coastal waters.
We can collect local information on sailing conditions both via satellite imagery and by mounting on-site instrumentation at a given location. We also have equipment and routines to sample water and bottom sediments, for further description of the physical conditions in the marine environment.
- Tidal measurements
- Identification of mean water level and tidal extremes at a given location
- Visualisation of sailing conditions
- Analysis of local ice- and sailing conditions
- Satellite based fiord ice monitoring
- Mapping of currents
- Water sampling
- Bottom sediment sampling
Anders Læsøe
Head of department